Analytic formulas for (g-2)_{e, mu} anomalies and decays e_b to e_a gamma in a 3-3-1 model with inverse seesaw neutrinos
Analytic formulas for one-loop contributions to (g−2)e,µ anomalies and decays amplitudes are explicitly derived for the 3-3-1 model with inverse seesaw neutrinos (3-3-1ISS). Using these formulas to investigate defined as the discrepancies of (g−2)e,µ anomalies between the standard and the 3-3-1ISS models, our numerical investigations showed that can reach the maximal values of around 2.5 10-14 and 1.4 10-14 for normal and inverted order schemes of neutrino oscillation data, respectively. The analytic formulas derived in this work are very useful for estimating dominant contributions to in new extended versions of the 3-3-1-1ISS model explain successfully the experimental data of (g−2)e,µ.
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