A non-existence result for higher-order Hardy-Hénon inequality on punctured balls


  • Thi-Ngoan Tran Thai Binh University, Thai Binh, Vietnam; Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Van-Tuan Tran Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam




Let n  and m be two positive integers such that \(n>2m\ge 4\). Let  and  be real such that  \(\sigma<-2m\) and p > 1 . In this note, we are mainly concerned with non-negative and classical solutions of the high-order harmonic inequality \[(-\Delta)^{m} u \geq |x|^{\sigma} u^{p} ,\]

on the punctured ball \(B_R\setminus\{0\}\subset R^n\). Using the method of test functions, the Hölder's inequality, and integral estimates, we will prove that this inequality has no \(C^{2m}\)  positive solution satisfying some sufficient conditions. It should be mentioned that our result, see Theorem 1.1 in the next section, in the high-order setting is analogous to that of Laptev for the case \(m=2\).


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How to Cite

Tran, T.-N., & Tran, V.-T. (2024). A non-existence result for higher-order Hardy-Hénon inequality on punctured balls. HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology, 3(2), 87–92. https://doi.org/10.56764/hpu2.jos.2024.3.2.87-92

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Natural Sciences and Technology