Algebraic method for image reconstruction in ultrasonic tomography
Ultrasound tomography is crucial due to its capability to deliver detailed, real-time, and non-invasive imaging. This is essential for early diagnosis, treatment planning, and guiding medical procedures. Its affordability, portability, and safety make it a versatile tool in medical and non-medical fields alike, driving ongoing advancements in technology and applications. The Distorted Born Iterative Method (DBIM) is an advanced technique used in ultrasound tomography to iteratively restore images, improving upon the standard Born approximation by addressing some of its limitations. However, the DBIM also has its own set of disadvantages when used for iterative image restoration, resulting in computational complexity, noise sensitivity, convergence issues, etc. In this paper, we introduce a new method for image reconstruction in ultrasound tomography by using the algebraic method. The numerical results indicate that this method has a shorter computational time and achieves high-resolution reconstructions and accurate solutions.
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