Research on flavonoids collection, activity assay and initial steps to create tea from Camellia tamdaoensis Hakoda et Ninh


  • Khanh-Hung Nguyen Xuan Hoa High School, Xuan Hoa, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Phuong-Linh Pham Xuan Hoa High School, Xuan Hoa, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Bao-Khanh Lo Thi Xuan Hoa High School, Xuan Hoa, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Xuan-Phong Ong Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, 32 Nguyen Van Linh, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Thi-Thuong Ngo Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, 32 Nguyen Van Linh, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Kim-Dung Le Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, 32 Nguyen Van Linh, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
  • Viet-Hong La Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, 32 Nguyen Van Linh, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam



The Camellia  tamdaoensis Hakoda et Ninh contains many useful phenolic compounds for human health, among them, flavonoids showed many biological activities such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. In this study, we used the recovery extract method to collect concentrated solutions with high flavonoid content from golden tea leaves, in which ethanol served as solvents at the temperature of 70°C for 1 hour . The high golden tea leaves showed good antibacterial properties with Gram (+), Gram (-) and fungi, demonstrate toxicity to HEPG2 liver cancer cell line with IC50 100 ± 2.77 µg/ml. The process of creating tea bags from golden tea leaves with flavonoid supplements was completed. The ground golden tea leaves were sprayed with a solution containing flavonoids from 0.33 - 0.67 mg extract per extract grams of golden leaves, then dry until reaching a constant mass at 50°C. The product finally was packed into filter bags and investigated in terms of the quality of taste and color according to TCVN 3218: 2012. The flavonoid content in this product was 1.6 times higher than that of natural materials. This research’s results show the potential to develop golden tea products containing high flavonoids in the future.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, K.-H., Pham, P.-L., Lo Thi, B.-K. ., Ong, X.-P., Ngo, T.-T., Le, K.-D., & La , V.-H. (2022). Research on flavonoids collection, activity assay and initial steps to create tea from Camellia tamdaoensis Hakoda et Ninh. HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology, 1(2), 24–31.

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Natural Sciences and Technology

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