An investigation into the morphological and anatomical characteristics of three cassava (\( Manihot \,\, esculenta\)) varieties collected from the Northern provinces of Vietnam
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a crucial crop that sustains millions of people across tropical and subtropical regions, providing an essential source of carbohydrates and contributing significantly to food security. Morphologically, varieties KM94, 08SA06, and Ruột vàng exhibit distinct traits such as plant form, leaf structure, tuber shape, and starch content, which underline their adaptability and potential for high yield under diverse growing conditions. Anatomically, the stems of these varieties demonstrate unique structural features, including tightly packed epidermal cells with thick cuticle layers, varying layers of collenchyma and parenchyma, robust sclerenchyma rings, and well-organized vascular bundles. These features ensure efficient nutrient and water transport, structural integrity, and resilience against environmental stresses, essential for the growth and development of these cassava varieties. By highlighting these morphological and anatomical traits, this study emphasizes the importance of such detailed analyses for improving cassava cultivation practices.
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