Guidelines for authors

Manuscripts submitted for publication in the HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology (abbreviated as "HPU2. Nat. Sci. Tech") should describe valuable findings in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, environment, and agriculture or in solving engineering or technological issues. The manuscripts are also accepted conditions that they are contributed solely to the HPU2. Nat. Sci. Tech; it means the manuscripts have not been previously published and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal publishes high-quality Original Research Articles and Reviews; the authors are highly recommended to prepare their manuscript in the correct format (go to Article Types and Templates for more details).   

The HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology applies a double-blind peer review process in which the authors do not know the reviewers and vice versa. Manuscripts submitted to the HPU2. Nat. Sci. Tech is peer-reviewed by at least two experts and evaluated by the managing editor. All submissions, editorial reviews, interactions with corresponding authors, and publishing processes are handed in the online submission system.

Use your account to submit.

The HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology only receives manuscripts submitted via the online system equipped with the journal website. To submit, you have to use your account at:

  1. To create a new account, click "Register" and fill in the form with your information.
  2. If you already have an account, click "Login" using your Username and Password. If you have an account but have forgotten your login details, click "Forgot your password?" the system will send you an email to the email address you used to register your account. The email contains instructions on how to reset your password. If you can’t find it, please check the spam folder.

Once logged in to your account, you can submit by clicking "New Submission" and following the stepwise instructions.  

Submission requirements

All manuscripts submitted to the HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscript has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  • The author(s) has carefully read and adhered to the Guide for Authors, Policies, and Publication Ethics.
  • The manuscript has been prepared in the correct type (research or review article) and adheres to article types and Template guidelines.
  • All figures and tables with captions are placed in appropriate positions in the manuscript; all cited references are written in Roman scripts using IEEE citation style.

Notes for the corresponding author

When submitting a manuscript to the HPU2. Nat. Sci. Tech, the corresponding author(s) has to certify that:

  1. My co-authors authorize me to enter into these arrangements.
  2. I warrant, on behalf of myself and my co-authors, that:
  • The article is original work, has not been published in any journals, is not under consideration by any other journals, and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights;
  • I am/we are the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to grant rights to Nat. Sci. Tech to publish our work as original publisher;
  • the article contains nothing unlawful, defamatory, or a breach of contract or secrecy commitment.
  1. All co-authors and I agree that the article is accepted for publication in Nat. Sci. Tech, shall be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Article Processing Charge

Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 currently provides funds for the operation of HPU2 Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology so that the journal doesn't have any charges for submission, editorial processing, pages, or color artworks.

 Preparing manuscript

Authors are highly recommended to use the journal Templates and follow the guidelines within the template to prepare the manuscript. Here are brief guidelines:

  1. The manuscript should be prepared in editable files, such as Microsoft Word, written in English (preferred) or Vietnamese. The title, authors' names, affiliations, abstract, keywords, and references must be written in Roman script. Authors contribute significantly to the research, and the journal encourages including the Author Contributions section in the manuscript.
  2. Figures and tables have captions and are numbered consecutively. Figures and tables are included in the manuscript in appropriate positions. The figures should be prepared as images with no resolution below 600 dpi.
  3. All measures should be reported in SI units.
  4. Acknowledgements should be as brief as possible, in a separate section before the References.
  5. Authors must implement the IEEE reference style (The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers citation style). Cited references are listed in the References section and vice versa. Authors are highly recommended to use reference management software (such as Mendeley, Endnote, and so forth) to manage the references.
  6. The revised manuscript should include the highlighted modified parts.