Some data about endangered and rare plant species in Me Linh Station for Biodiversity, Vinh Phuc province
Me Linh Station for Biodiversity has an area of 170.3 hectares, near Tam Dao National Park. Although the area is not large, it has with high biodiversity and rich flora, including many rare and threatened plant species. So, this place not only preserves biodiversity but also organizes research and educational activities to protect biodiversity and the environment. Some research projects have been done on species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and forest biomass... This study identifies 38 endangered and rare plant species. Among them, 20 species in Vietnam Red Data Book 2007; 20 species belong to Decree No. 84/2021/ND-CP; 16 species belong to Appendix II of CITES (2024), and 4 species belong to IUCN (2024). Simultaneously, this study added summary information about the conservation status, life forms, geographical factors, and uses of 38 plant endangered and rare species in Me Linh Station for Biodiversity, Vinh Phuc province.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Thuy-Diu Tran, Thi-Nga Tran, Thi-Phuong Dong, Thanh-Hoa Mai, Minh-Tam Ha

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